Discover the immersive MMORPG Renaissance Kingdoms, now available in an early access version on your smartphone!

homme RAR


Renaissance Kingdoms is an immersive MMORPG, currently in early access, set in the universe of Renaissance Kingdoms, where players are free to become anyone and do anything, in a fun and alternative version of 15th Century Europe.

Total freedom of choice

You can customize your character and your house, join powerful families and choose your own destiny in a world with no restrictions: from being a miller in a small village to a sailor on a merchant ship, to being elected count or king, everything is possible. The thriving universe and its realistic economic system entirely rely on the actions of the players. Minigames allow you to earn resources for you and/or your community, while an immersive choice-driven story system, called adventures, offer the player action-packed adventures with moral choices.

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An infinity of fates in one life

In Renaissance Kingdoms, you can become a baker to supply bread to your village, or a bandit to rob imprudent travellers, a soldier to join an army, a general to lead an army, a bishop or a cardinal to spread your faith, an elected count or even a king... The possibilities are endless and nothing stops you from having several destinies in one life!

Create a unique character and home!

You can also entirely customize your character by modifying the details of his/her physical appearance and the clothes he/she is wearing to fit your character's social status. You can also customize the appearance of your home, both outside and inside and, if you are elected mayor, you can customize the appearance of your village!

A universe with an economic system where every player matters

In Renaissance Kingdoms, each character has a powerful impact on the world and the other players. For instance, in order to raise an army, you must convince other players to get weapons and join you, whether you pay them or persuade them to do it. In order to be elected to a major position, you will have to convince the electors that they should choose you. Likewise, the economic system of the game encourages player cooperation as, from the loaf of bread to the warship, every item of the game is made by the players.

Make the right choices

Renaissance Kingdoms also includes an original system of thrilling plot-twisting adventures where your character, either alone, with, or against other players, will have to make moral choices that define who he/she is. Will you make the right choices?

femme RAR
Décoration RAR
sortie anticipée

Early Access

What is Early Access?

Early Access is an emerging game development model. Players can access the game while its development is still in progress, which allows them to get involved in the development of the game and to communicate with the development team to report bugs and suggest improvements. SInce Renaissance Kingdoms is a universe which has existed in its web-based version for more than 15 years, the early access model appeared to be the right choice to involve its community of passionate players in the development of the mobile version.

How long will the early access last?

It is difficult to say exactly when the game will be available in its 1.0 version, as there are many features we want to implement in it for community discovery and testing before we think about an official release for Renaissance Kingdoms. Early access should last at least several months.

What is the current state of the early access version?

The early access version is missing a few important features, such as:

- The tutorial for new players starting the game. The game will stay in early access as long as this feature for beginners is not correctly implemented. This is why we have disabled the creation of new characters in the mobile app as long as it is in early access. In order to be able to test Renaissance Kingdoms via mobile in early access, you must have an existing character or create him/her via the web-based version of the game.

- The management of the level changes in the mobile app. Currently, you have to use the web-based version to be able to get to the next level.

We are also going to revamp the way some areas of the game work, such as the village which is going to be more lively, as well as the management of the character and his/her home which will be more intuitive.

All the new features of the mobile version will also appear in the web-based version, most of the time simultaneously. In the meantime, we hope you will sympathetically welcome this version which, in its current state, may contain bugs and features in the process of being implemented. If you feel like supporting us, we'd be very grateful if you could leave a positive review of the app.

Which new features will be available at the release of the early access version?

- Playing the early access version of Renaissance Kingdoms will let you access most of the content of the web-based version, including those things that were recently revamped such as the characters' new appearances.
- Testing an adventure intended for new players, so that you can see what this new feature looks like.
- A new action point system to manage the activities of the characters
- Minigames to earn more resources during some activities

How will the community be involved in the development process?

We are looking forward to seeing your feedback, whether on the game forums or on Discord. We will take it into account with regard to future new features and also with regard to things we should improve that are already in the game.

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Update 1: A new "Me" for early December

  • A complete reworking of the character sheet and of the "Me" page.
  • The addition of numerous customisation options to your character sheet.
  • A brand new wardrobe
  • A major alteration of the sin system.

Update 2: A New Home

  • The merging of "My Property" and "My Home" in a new fully interactive area.
  • Wholly revamped immersive graphics.
  • Access to a streamlined and improved possession management system (fields, flats, and so on).
  • A new land market system
  • The opportunity to use your home as a true living place as well as for private exchanges (allowing visitors or not, organization of dinners, banquets and other events)

Update 3: A New Village

  • The village becomes a fun and useful place with many interactions possible.
  • Major graphic improvements to the village (zoom, animations, 3D models and so on)
  • Revamped navigation for a better immersive experience in your village.

Update 4: New Players

  • Revamp of the first hours of game play to welcome new players
  • Setting up adventures for the new players
  • Beginning communications inviting new players to discover the game

These updates are not numbered as they are developed concurrently with the major updates

Coming next in the Kingdoms

  • The adventure continues on mobile, with the forthcoming release of the official Renaissance Kingdoms mobile application, a chance for new destinies to be forged within the Kingdom.
  • A new phase of evolution is underway, continuing the transformations already shaping characters’ daily lives, and set to further deepen the core game mechanics.
  • And because life in the Kingdoms is ever-changing, regular improvements, small additions and thoughtful adjustments will continue to enhance your experience, whether you play on phone, browser or parchment.

The approximate date of the release of each update will be announced once the previous one is released. Having a tight schedule, as we did before, does not work, puts a lot of pressure on our teams and is a cause for disappointment when we cannot deliver at the announced date. We are going to try another way to see if it's more pleasant for you as well as for us!

Décoration RAR


In this section, still under construction, you will be able to discover reports on the past of the universe of Renaissance Kingdoms, as created by players' actions, as well as reports on present day activities (currently called the KAP).