Here is the first video with us answering your questions and examining your suggestions about Family Clans!
(Don't forget to display the English subtitles - yeah, sorry for our French accent!)
The next Facebook Live video from the office of Celsius Online on the official Renaissance Kingdoms page will be announced on this Roadmap, but if you want to be sure not to miss it, follow those steps:
1. Visit our Renaissance Kingdoms Facebook Page
2. If you haven't done it already, click on the "Like" button
3. Click on "Follow" and in the drop-down menu, choose "Notifications ON (suggested live videos)"
Since the creation of Renaissance Kingdoms 12 years ago, the relationships between its characters have always been a vital part of the game, whether those relationships are about love, family, politics, economy... This is why, since the beginning of the game, players often regroup in the Kingdoms, and the families, whether they are aristocrat or not, are some of the most played and popular groups created by the players.
We have decided that it was more than time for us to take this into account in the game to make those kind of links even more clearer and important for already existing groups, but also to offer you exciting new features.
The Family Clans will not be limited to blood relationships: a family clan can include characters with no blood relationship with the others, this is not mandatory.
We will also present you at a later stage the details of this new feature, but here are the main aspects we think we'll introduce in the game with it:
In this video, Brennos and Le0ben answer your questions and explain which suggestions will be implemented in Renaissance Kingdoms.
These improvements will be gradually released on a regular basis, every two weeks from early March to mid-July 2017.
To be sure not to miss our next Facebook Live, follow those steps:
1. Visit our Renaissance Kingdoms Facebook Page
2. If you haven't done it already, click on the "Like" button
3. Click on "Follow" and in the drop-down menu, choose "Notifications ON (suggested live videos)"
(Subtitles in English and other languages are available)
A 3D tavern or house whose owner has been eradicated or is set aside will be automatically removed from the 3D village. In the case of the 3D house of a player who has been set aside, it is moved back to the available houses inventory.
Players who own animals will be warned as soon as they need to be fed.
Various events will be added for the following situations: when one uses "Improve one of your skills", for ship captains requesting something from the Harbour Master, when a soldier makes a donation to his/her army and other events linked to conspiracies.
A popup window will offer you to like our Facebook page and to follow Renaissance Kingdoms on Twitter or Facebook. Any player who likes the Renaissance Kingdoms Facebook page will be given 15 pounds as a thank you!
It will be possible to choose if the trophies are displayed or not on the character sheet.
Items that can break (such as knives, buckets, ladders, boats and so on) now have a set durability instead of a random chance to break each time you use it.
If a character with a shared connection joins a conspiracy, the other clan members sharing the same connection will not be allowed to join the same conspiracy.
Until now, it was not possible to reorient just one section of a rampart. It will be possible now.
The tavern window will always be displayed correctly.
The way the wardrobe is organized will be modified so that it's simpler to use it.
Constables and army commanders will be able to send group messages to the men under their command.
Six new trophies related to the Family Clans will be added.
Missing titles that you reported will be added to the "Showing Off" option.
Inactive characters would stay in jail once their sentence was over, this won't be the case anymore.
Clearing away confusion about moving to another village and moving one's house. Moreover, when moving to another village, the furniture placed in the 3D house will also be moved for free.
Kings and Counts will now be able to give RP titles which will give influence to the ones who get them.
Strength is the most used characteristic in the game right now. We want to make Charisma and Intelligence as much important as Strength by finding more situations where those characteristics can be useful. If you'd like to suggest such situations, please do it here!
A link on the home page will allow to send a ticket to the helpdesk even without being connected.
Harbour Masters will be able to edit as much as they want this notice board, just like the priests and the mayors.
From now on, a robber will steal as many items as he can carry (and no more than that), but will first take the items with the biggest value.
This will allow characters on the same boat to have access to a Role-Playing area for them.
Addition of the stonemasons who are living in the village and not set aside to the village directory.
There will be minor changes to influence bonuses so that they are more balanced.
Each item of the game will now have a description that can be read in the inventory and in the market.
There will be a warning for the actions requiring a specific item.
For instance, it will become possible for two characters to have the same NPC as a parent, which will be displayed in the Family Tree.
On Wednesday, June 7th, at 4:30 p.m. in English and 5:30 p.m. in French, Brennos and Le0ben have answered your questions and suggestions about Church and Faith during a Facebook Live stream!
To be sure not to miss our next Facebook Live, follow those steps:
1. Visit our Renaissance Kingdoms Facebook Page
2. If you haven't done it already, click on the "Like" button
3. Click on "Follow" and in the drop-down menu, choose "Notifications ON (suggested live videos)"
If a ship captain is part of a clan which has enough influence, he/she will be allowed to dock in a luxury dock which will be available in addition to the regular docks. The number of luxury docks will vary according to the level of the harbour.
The in-game inventories will have a better sorting system. For instance, potions will be sorted by alphabetical order, according to their labels.
Weavers will be able to change Dyes so that they can change the color of a clothe which is in a wardrobe.
The sergeant will now have access to the grants of the sheriff and of the mines superintendant.
They will now be interesting to produce for the botanists.
They will now be sorted by alphabetical order.
Clarification of the text about them, which is currently a bit confusing.
This system will allow to fight against multiaccounts better and will include, among other things, a text message confirmation system. We've been paying attention to your feedback, as well as your questions about connection sharing or players who do not own a cell phone and as such cannot confirm their account with a text message. We will tell you more about this new system before it is gradually implemented and we will create a specific FAQ for it.
Playing several characters is an opportunity to discover new possibilities: trying new role-plays, new crafts, new ways, new character type, new County, new personal quests and meeting new players we wouldn't have been able to meet with our first character; all of this without having to pause, retreat, abandon or let our first character we love so much die.
A specific FAQ has been created for this improvement that you can read on the Babel Tower of your game (Renaissance Kingdoms, Shogun Kingdoms or Native Kingdoms) and an announcement has been released on the dashboard on April 19 to give you all the details about it beforehand.
A new disease will appear in the Kingdoms, which will give physicians a hard time.
Physicians will be able to create a new type of potions, which will give a bonus to those who drink them. Tell us about the philters you'd like to see in the game here!
Adding friends will be much simpler.
A lot of improvements: transactions will be faster, it will be possible to buy more than ten units of an item in one go, to sell an item specifically for one character as well as other small improvements.
It will be possible to ask for specific items on the market that one's willing to purchase.
Religions, and the Aristotelician Church in particular, have been existing in Renaissance Kingdoms since the beginning of the game and they are one of the departments of the game where the players have been the most creative (creation of a unique dogma, biographies of the saints, various theological squabbles...) while reproducing the hierarchy and complex institutions of the historical Church.
This has always been an exciting part of the game for numerous players interested in robes, mitres and tonsures but also for those interested in History, political struggles as well as players looking for depth and soul-searching for their character.
However, in spite of all this, many players do not take an interest in the religious dimension of the Kingdoms, and having enough priests and bishops has been difficult for a very long time now.
We were not happy with it so we asked ourselves: what can we improve in the religious dimension of Renaissance Kingdoms so that it is as attractive as it should in a medieval game? How can we find a good balance between historicity and the player experience, so that there are new game opportunities thanks to Religion?
Today, we are proud to present an ambitious reform of the Church with new features which will be interesting for all the players. We do not want every player to become a priest, but our goal was to create interesting situations in the game linked to religion for all the players
Just like the new features of the Family Clans, we will give you more details about upcoming new features and will speak with you about them as we'll read your suggestions, but, in the meantime, here are the main things we are planning about the future of the Church:
*The monasteries can be accessed again
*Sporadic closures of the confessional fixed
*Salary of the confessors restored
*Update of the sins 1 hour earlier fixed
*Missing texts added
*The priests can now be present at the mass again
*Purchase of indulgence restored
*The Diocesan Chamberlains can be nommed whatever their level is
*The duration of the Preaching Points has been restored to 6 months
*The episcopal tax has been applied to all the villages of the diocese
*Fixed the fact that it was impossible to vote for some applicants to become a priest
*Fixed the fact that it was impossible to vote for the priest in some cases
Since the beginning of August, we are examining statistics about the evolution of sins, of Faith points, of confession, etc, and we are also collectiong your feedback, opinions and suggestions.
We have taken them into account, no matter how diverse they were, and we are glad to be able to make good use of them, so thanks to all of you!
*The Diocesan Chamberlain now sees who has no paid the episcopal tax
*The Diocesan Chamberlain can remove the tax for a character
*It is possible to go to confession in a monastery
*It is possible to choose the time of the mass on Sunday
*The mass is only twice a week (on Wednesday and Sunday)
*100 Preaching Points are needed instead of 850 to become a Pastor
*The opening of the confessional is now unsynchronized
*The confessor is paid per hour
*The Priest can set a mandatory minimum donation for the confessions between 0 and 5 pounds
*It is forbidden to book more than 4 slots at the confessional for the same day and/or the same character
*The mandate of the previous priest ends only when the new priest is appointed
*The melancholy is turned off forever when you're on a boat
*Addition of an in-game text to explain what happens to the money of the indulgences
*You can choose the two sins which will be reduced when going to confess
*You can see the sins that the confessor will be able to reduce more efficiently
*In order to reduce a sin to 0, a confessor must have master the corresponding virtue
*The events warning that a sin bar is high are only displayed once when a sin reaches 80%.
N.B.: The rules of the melancholy will change with the seconde release (cf c.). The ones which were bocking the mine, halving the combat points and which made all the actions too complicated will not be activated again.
N.B. 2: All the confessors currently working today and all the characters who had an appointment for a confession today at 3PM (CET) had their daily activity reset in order to set the new system up, but they will receive a compensation of 15 pounds for the confessors and of 5 pounds for the ones who had their confession cancelled.
* The image of the overview of the outfits in the shop is correctly displayed
* The Text Message confirmation is possible even if the character is dead
* A login change will be taken into account while registering for an election
* Clarification of the Change the age of a character button
* Fixed the "Correct Twinning" trophy
* Philtres will now function as intended
* Intelligence is taken into account when working in a workshop
* The leader of a Company who has been eradicated will be replaced by his second in command
* One can reply to the requests on the market
* Cancelling a request on the market will return the pounds as it should
* The village and the 3D houses which did not work as intended for some players will work again: otherwise, clear the cache of your browser
* The "Connect as" button works again (disconnect and reconnect the first time)
*Faith Points will decrease more quickly.
*For each sin, the meter will gradually increase:
**Rather slowly for saints.
**Rather quickly for sinners.
*The in-game causes that fill the sin meters have been modified: it's up to you to guess them.
*The speed has also been modified and we will continue to monitor it to tweak it.
*The previous melancholy, which blocked a lot of actions, is replaced by 7 melancholies, one per sin reaching 100%.
*Each melancholy will provide a different negative effect [b]and[/b] a different positive effect: Saint or Sinner, each player can choose the role he/she wants to play.
N.B.: When this release will be online, we will decrease the meters of all the sins from 20 points.
*Effects of the various melancholies:
1. Gluttony
Some food will feed you less but unavailability is a bit shortened.
2. Lust
Loss of Trust Points but less resistant to alcohol.
3. Anger
Unable to focus at the University but less indirect taxes at the Market.
4. Pride
Being a candidate to an election cost more but you are more influent.
5. Greed
Transferring money or goods to your personal inventory is tiresome but you save money daily.
6. Envy
You won't be happy and smooth but have an overload bonus.
7. Acedia (spiritual sloth)
No positive effect only for this one and:
- Impossible to earn Faith Points
- The confession only decreases a sin instead of two and Acedia will be the last sin above 30% that can be chosen.
- Impossible to buy indulgences.
The place named Arena in Renaissance Kingdoms/Native Kingdoms and Dojo in Shogun Kingdoms will be back with a lot of improvements for more fun, tactical and open duels.
"Return to the Kingdoms" project includes the future Mobile App as well as lots of new features... and new gtaphic designs that will be released in 2019.
So, let's see a bit what these new faces, accessoiries and pets look like!
For 15 years now the sound universe of Renaissance Kingdoms has consisted solely of the slamming of the tavern door: now it is on its way to being considerably enriched and extended to the whole game!
First we are adding jingles and background music to the various places in the 3D village and to the 3D houses. These can be customized by purchasing different ambiant music in the 3D shop.
Then we are adding diverse and varied sounds to enhance navigation within the game.
Music and sounds will be disabled by default and will be activated by a simple click on the game's main screen.
Our developers have developed a new 3D engine that will result in greater fluidity when navigating through the village and 3D houses.
Your computer will use fewer resources running 3D. If you found it a little too slow at the time of its release, chances are that this engine will provide you with a much more satisfying 3D experience. This new 3D engine, which uses WebGL, is compatible with more than 98% of computers and browsers.
Everything that is likely to appear on your character sheets has benefited from a thorough graphic rejuvenation: clothes and clothing outfits, weapons, accessories, characters' bodies and faces, pets, backgrounds....
But that's not all.
When creating your character, you will be able to choose his/her physical appearance: shape of face and mouth, eye colour, hairlines and facial hairiness. The various "aesthetic" premium packs will evolve in line with this new feature.
Currently, our graphic designers are fine-tuning the graphic style of this new version of the characters based on the feedback you gave on the forum after the first images were posted on Youtube last February.
Please note that traditionalists will be able, through their options, to keep their character’s old appearance.
Click here to watch the video New designs 2019: let's see your future faces!
Taverns will have a new look and will be based on a new technology.
Technology :
The current taverns use Flash, an aging technology that has prevented us from modifying them in a satisfactory way, and we have had to let a certain number of small rather inelegant bugs (display bugs in particular) persist. The new taverns will be free of all these bugs, will let us intervene easily and quickly in case there are new bugs, and especially will let us, at a later date, integrate new features and improvements to these good old grogshops. (The unaccommodating Flash blocked any serious project for tavern innovation or improvement.)
In addition, these taverns will have better network connectivity (no more ports problems)
The new taverns have also been given a new look - more attractive, with greater visual contrast and with contents that are more readable... Here is a first image of their future appearance!
N.B. 1: Initially, the Poker Taverns will remain in Flash and keep their former appearance.
N.B. 2 : Thanks to this new technology, taverns will be available on the new Renaissance Kingdoms mobile application that is currently being developed.
The map of the Renaissance Kingdoms is about to be revamped, both in form and content.
On the one hand, the form: A complete rework of the map’s graphic appearance is coming. You will soon discover a map in the game that is both more beautiful and more easily read. You can already take a first look at it here!
On the other hand, the content: We finished collecting the many proposals for changes that you made on the forum a little over a year ago, and developers and graphic designers from Celsius Online are now working to modify the map according to the changes selected.
Let us explain our criteria: why one suggestion for change was accepted, another rejected, and another partially accepted with modifications, or why a change was made on the map without any player’s asking for it.
A single criterion governed all positive decisions concerning these changes: to facilitate communications and open up poorly accessible areas.
On the negative side, all purely geopolitical considerations were systematically rejected: some (rare) requests were made with the clear aim of promoting the strategic situation of a village or county. Some isolated and inaccessible areas were forgotten (no players made a proposal to improve some of these areas).
Similarly, egalitarian arguments insisting that each county have its own port were not accepted, even if new watercourses or river branches are going to be created on this new map to facilitate communications and open up certain poorly accessible areas.
Special attention was paid to the Anglo-Saxon territories, which were greatly hurt geographically by their numerous village closures: the entire plan of the island will be rationalized in this new map.
Missing village names and good pictograms will be restored (we have crossed our fingers and are hoping not to forget any!) but the old closed villages will no longer appear on the new map.
Finally, many of you took the time to make very specific and relevant requests for changes, and you are all thanked for them, and if, for any suggestion, you do not understand why it was accepted or refused, you can ask Brennos by posting about it in the forum thread that contains the request and sending him, through a private message on forum 1, the link to the post that contains your question so that he can see and answer it.
Since 2004, gaming and Internet practices have evolved a lot, and, if we want to keep celebrating each year the anniversary of the Renaissance Kingdoms, so that they keep shining as before, Renaissance Kingdoms must go out and meet potential new players of today and of tomorrow as millions of them are playing and browsing via their mobile phone or tablet.
So, being present on mobile platforms is a necessity to massively draw new players to Renaissance Kingdoms and the oldest members of the community might even see it as a repopulation. :)
However, we are convinced that just adapting Renaissance Kingdoms to the mobile platforms is not a magic remedy: this is a mandatory condition but it's far from being enough.
This is why a new game is in the making, an original game whose codename is "Return to the Kingdoms" (its final name is yet to be unveiled!) and which will be a front door to the universe of Renaissance Kingdoms.
As such, this new game will include:
- An unprecedented system of "in-game Role-playing": new players will discover the universe of RK by being integrated in storylines where they will interact with other real players like them... In a nutshell, it will be just like a gamebook with a multiplayer aspect.
- A set of simple and attractive minigames, as this is a very popular genre on mobile platforms. What we want is not to add off-topic or anachronistic content to the universe of Renaissance Kingdoms but to offer fun and relaxing challenges to those who'd like to win in-game bonuses while removing the waiting times for the actions of their character. For instance, instead of waiting for two hours the end of your work at the mine, you can replace the waiting time by playing a minigame whose success will give a slight salary and production boosts to the County. Not bad, isn't it?
And all the current players of Renaissance Kingdoms will be able to link their current account to this app and be able to enjoy those features which will have economical, RP and IG impacts on Renaissance Kingdoms: for instance, most of the new players via mobile may never set foot on the forum, but they will still work in the mine, in their fields and so on.
And it does not matter if most of those players do not visit the forums (that's not the case of a lot of currents players of RK), as only a small percentage of them will be enough to revitalize the halls and taverns as well as increase the opportunities of role-playing for all the older players!
Just like for the Family Clans and the Church, we'll unveil more details and we will answer your questions in the coming months.